Previzionarea este imaginarea unui parcurs, in conditii ideale, de desfasurare a tuturor evenimentelor, de orice natura, implicate in acest parcurs, ce are ca scop realizarea obiectivului propus. Ea tine cont de : resurse initiale,resurse necesare, resurse potentiale, drumuri posibile de urmat, CONDITII impuse (de orice natura), obiective si termene intermediare, obiectiv final !
Forecasting is the imagining of a course, in ideal conditions, of how all events , of any type, involved in this course unfold, whose purpose is the realization of a proposed objective.  It depends on: initial resources, necessary resources, potential resources, possible paths to take, imposed Conditions (of any type), intermediary terms and objectives, final objective!

Pe baza previzionarilor se intocmeste un plan, adica se adopta o varianta de prioritati si ordine de desfasurare a proceselor si evenimentelor. PLANUL cuprinde descrierea clara si aerisita a drumului de parcurs pentru obtinerea rezultatului scontat.  ORGANIZARE
Organizarea este harta de punere  in opera a previzionarii urmand planul de actiune adoptat, cu inregistrarea continua a parametrilor de functionare a proceselor, a tolerantelor, a modificarilor sau a evenimentelor neprevazute aparute in derularea reala a evenimentelor previzionate.
ORGANIZAREA contine o structura fixa, un schelet, pe care se modeleaza continuu un continut dictat de punerea in opera a proiectelor, in conditii reale.
On the basis of Forecasting a plan is made up, meaning the adoption of a version of priorities and  an order for the unfolding of processes and events. The Plan contains the clear and aired description of the path that needs to be traveled in order to obtain the sought-after result.
Organization is the map by which forecasting is applied in accordance with adopted plan of action, with the continuous recording of the functioning parameters of processes, tolerances, modifications and unforeseen events that appear in the course of the REAL unfolding of forecasted events.  Organization contains a fixed structure, a skeleton, on which content is constantly modeled, dictated by the application of projects, in real conditions.  


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